Are you surviving motherhood but you want to love it?

I'll show you how to stop drowning in all of the to-dos and plan a week that you can win so that you can enjoy your days and be present with those you love most.


Are your struggling through your days?

I began motherhood with hopes and dreams that I could navigate my days confidently with purpose, live intentionally, find joy and contentment in everyday life, and have God’s help and strength in this lifelong journey. 

I wanted to Soar!


  • I was in complete survival mode
  • I felt guilty a lot of the time
  • I had no clue what my days should look like
  • I was snappy and irritable with my family

Can you relate?

The good news - I closed the gap between what I hoped was possible and my reality.

And you can too.

Learn how with the Plan A Week You Can Win training.


2025 Thriving in Motherhood Planner

Get clarity on what you want and what your next steps are so that you can make massive progress in small pockets of time on the things that matter to you and still have your family be the focus of your day. If you want to get more done, this is for you!


Thriving in Motherhood Journal

Completely change how you experience motherhood by asking questions that help you focus on what you do have control over - you and your thoughts! If you feel like you are surviving, this is for you!

Join the Beta

Surviving to Thriving Toolkit

Your step-by-step practical, actionable, and encouraging guide through the 5 phases from Surviving to Thriving: Survival Mode, Re-Entry, Normalizing, Exploring, and Thriving.  If you are ready to enjoy the good of today and make tomorrow a little bit better too, this is for you!

Tune into the podcast with 450,000 downloads and counting

You can completely change how you experience motherhood

Hey there! I'm Jessica Jackson.

I'm a mother to four kids who is determined to not only enjoy motherhood, but to build a strong family and become better in the process.  Along the way I've become well practiced in thriving through survival mode while experiencing difficult pregnancies, health challenges, and multiple cross country moves. 

Where ever you are on your journey, there is space for you here. Come join thousands of other mothers who are on their way to Soaring.  

We need each other.

We need you.

Remember, you were meant for more - you were made to Soar.



There's a way to build a strong family and move forward on your greatest goals, cultivating your gifts and talents and most important relationships along the way.

You just have to take the first step.

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