I recently got an email asking about how to create summer rhythms with kids –  especially for moms that don’t homeschool their kids, so their kids aren’t used to having rhythms

I brought this up in our Soaring Mothers Society meeting that we just had because all of these women have gone through the Made to Soar Program and understand the 3 Pillars of Thriving, are very intentional, and have all sorts of different situations with working out of the home, in the home, homeschool, and have their kids in public school.

After a good discussion and sharing of ideas, plus taking my own experience of homeschooling our four kids and having kids at home with me for nearly 10 years now, I picked 10 principles for creating a fun and productive summer schedule with kids that you can use to figure out a rhythm that works for you and your family.

If you’ve been wondering how you are going to have time to do the things that are important to you this summer with all of the kids at home, I’d love to invite you to a FREE workshop I’m hosting Wednesday, May 17 at 2 P.M. EST. 

You’ll learn to do more of what you love without hiring a babysitter. Save your free seat in the link in the bio (and yep, there’s a replay!)


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