All of my kids stopped napping around age two. When we went through the transition the first time with my oldest, I was reading one of Sally Clarkson’s books (I’ve read so many, I’m not sure which one mentioned this), and she said that every day they had quiet time to read and be in their own space to recharge.

From that day forward, we rebranded “nap time” to ‘rest and read time,” and we’ve had this as an anchor for our day ever since.

Read and rest time isn’t boring at our house. Sometimes there are creative messes, and sometimes, my 9-year-old has organized and deep-cleaned a kitchen cabinet. I never know what I’m going to find when I come back out of my room. Regardless, because of this routine, I will be recharged and ready for what’s next

On today’s episode, I’m sharing what is working now for the kids and me as a homeschooling family of six to be successful.

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Kids Okay to Wake Clock:

From the Episode

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