In this episode, I talk about where to start to get the house back on track after a Survival Mode season. I share my rhythms and systems that have helped me and my kids know what to expect when we are transitioning from full-blown Survival Mode back into “normal” life.
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Key Points from this Episode:
- It’s OK to make intentional choices to let things like housework go when we are in survival mode, but we need to pick up the pieces when we are able to.
- Start with prayer. Then listen to the promptings of where to start.
- “Home Blessing Hour” every week for concentrated time to take care of the house.
- Go room by room. Garbage to the trash bag. Clothes to the laundry basket. Everything that doesn’t belong into a basket. Put those items away. Sweep/vacuum the floor.
- Set timers for short increments to get bursts of cleaning focus from our children.
- Consider having some major incentives for after the house gets put back together.
- Talk with your children while you clean. Use it as a chance to bond as a family.
The Surviving Mom’s Quick Start Guide to Thriving
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From the Episode

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