What would it take to feel truly satisfied? Thomas Aquinas suggests we’d need to experience everything – every restaurant, every country, every possibility. But since that’s impossible, what do we do with our constant desire for more?

In this episode, I’m exploring this tension between desires and contentment, especially as it relates to motherhood and creating our vision for the year. 

I share:

  • Why understanding our infinite capacity for wanting more can actually be liberating
  • The balance between setting big goals and finding peace where we are
  • How the “loaves and fishes” principle changed my approach during a recent survival season
  • Why turning off outside influences (through a technology fast) can help us hear what we truly need

Whether you’re in a season of big dreams or just trying to make it through each day, this conversation about wants, contentment, and vision-creating might shift how you think about your own desires.

If you want to join me on my 30-day technology fast you can get the workbook I created with step-by-step guidance HERE.

If you want help creating your vision for 2025, grab the Create Your Vision Mini Course HERE.

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From the Episode

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