April is a mother of four and founder of Power of Moms and LearnDoBecome. She lives very intentionally and helps other mothers do the same. She shares her journey of recognizing that working together is a tool to build relationships in our home and create a feeling for everyone in the family to grow. She talks about learning to love ourselves so we can love others.

She shares the importance of being open and honest in every step of your motherhood journey in order to find your “person” behind the word “mother.” April talks about clearing the clutter out of our homes, but also out of our minds and our hearts to then be able to love. She speaks to the feeling in the home being the focus of our efforts. She goes against culture to get our housework done so we can be a mom, but rather teaches the importance of doing the housework side-by-side with our children and finding the beauty in that housework.

April talks about the impact that Scream Free Parenting by Hal Edward Runkel has affected the way she looks at loving herself and loving her children. She prioritizes self-care with bedtime for herself, exercise, taking a shower, drinking water, and eating for herself.

She talks about the importance of really talking with your kids (even if it’s a topic that you don’t want to necessarily get into with your kids) and building true relationships with them. She encourages us to spend more time looking in our children’s eyes rather than our phones. She believes that is possible by involving them in our lives and letting them help us with what we need to do. April emphasizes the need to value the moments we have, even if they don’t seem Facebook-worthy.

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Connect with April

Website: learndobecome.com

Free Training Steps to Everyday Productivity (STEP) training called How to Finally Stop Drowning in Piles

Website: powerofmoms.com

From the Episode

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