In this week’s chat with Unymie Oguta, we discuss the three phases of rethinking motherhood. If you have ever experienced the pressure to do more and be more, this episode will give you lots to think about!

While facing some health challenges, Unymie began to think about how she looked at motherhood and her life. She knew she had to get back to what mattered.

As she talked with other mothers, she was discouraged when they told her that she would just have to wait for her kids to be older for things to settle down. Unymie felt strongly that there had to be a way for moms to have it all without having to do it all.

From that place, she developed her three phases of rethinking motherhood:

  1. Name what matters. What would it look like if you had to create motherhood for yourself? What feelings do you want to experience? The answers to questions like this will help you identify what really matters.
  2. Let go of the rules. Unymie found that she had to silence the noise of others and the rules they had created and focus on what mattered to her. It’s important to recognize that this is different for every family.
  3. Have your own back. With time, Unymie has become comfortable setting boundaries and saying no to things that don’t align with her values. It’s not always easy but it keeps her focused on what is essential.

This conversation is full of advice that will help you strive to be the mother you desire. Give yourself permission to go inside of yourself and find what matters to you. Then, have the courage to go out and live that life for yourself and your family. 

Rethink motherhood in a way that will allow you to thrive.

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Instagram: @oliveandblisswellness

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