Summer is coming to a close, and I’ve taken time to reflect on everything we experienced. We had ups and downs, focused on building family relationships, and experienced the normal stressors that come with family life.
I want to share some of the things I learned this summer with you, but I also. would like this episode to serve as a reminder that it can be powerful to take some time to look back and think about the things you’ve learned in this season.
It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks of motherhood, and forget to take the time to reflect on all the growth and learning we have experienced. So I invite you this week to take a moment to look back at your summer and write down a few things you’ve learned. I’d love to hear what you discover!
One of the things I learned this summer while we were on our road trip and out of our normal routines was to stay in the moment. I found that there was no need to look ahead, wish things away, or hope for something different. I was able to look for all the good things in the moment, even when things weren’t perfect.
We also had some rough days with some of our kids who struggled with the realities of being out of our own space and schedules for five weeks. On a particularly discouraging morning, I felt God remind me that we have bad days at home, too, and to do what I’d normally do at home. For us, this meant having a family theme that we say at breakfast (ours was, “I can be kind to my family” – in case you were curious) and bringing more intentionality into setting our kids up for success.
I talk about a few more lessons I learned in the episode, so be sure to tune in! Again, I invite you to take some time to look back on this season of your life and look for the lessons you’ve learned. I bet you’ll be surprised and rewarded by all the moments of growth you’ll find.
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