Today, I’m taking your with me through a monthly planning session. I review the previous month and look into the next month. Today’s focus is more on how to use a monthly review when things are going great!

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Key Points from this Episode:

  • The planner helps so much when you are in time of pure survival and also when things are going well!
  • If you’re on top of your game, add things to your monthly review page during each weekly planning, then you just have to finish off at the end of the month.
  • My focus for the month is either helping me get very clear on the one thing that really matters on a personal level or a study question I am trying to think about throughout the month.
  • We have an innate need to learn, so write down what you’ve learned and take some time to choose what you are learning.
  • Accomplishments are for anything you consider a win: projects, who you’re becoming, progress in ANYTHING!
  • Places we went is a very short list during quarantine, but it’s a reminder that it’s healthy for us to experience new things and meet new people.
  • The Family category helps me plan things that are fun for our family, plan routines and systems for our family, and figure out what I need to intentionally teach my family.
  • Now, look ahead to next month!
  • It’s so important for me to seek God’s help in deciding what I need to focus on. My prayer has been to know what I need to do to be prepared for our future.
  • Make sure your projects is not a list of every project you ever want to do, but instead, is what you can reasonably do in the next 30 days.
  • Really think about your self-care. Think about where you are and what you really need right now.
  • To plan your days, consider energy mapping. Plan your toughest tasks for when you recognize you are at your best levels. Plan more mindless tasks for when you know you have a tough time focusing.


From the Episode


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