As we are nearing the end of the summer and getting ready for the new school year, I wanted to share some of my all-time favorite books that inspire me in my homeschooling.

10 Books To Get You Excited About Homeschooling:

    1. Educating the Wholehearted Child

    1. Life Giving Home

    1. Home Education

    1. For the Children’s Sake

    1. The Well-Trained Mind

    1. Call of the Wild and Free

    1. You Are Your Child’s First Teacher

    1. Awaking Wonder

    1. The Brave Learner

    1. Teaching From Rest

As I read these books, I’m searching for little bits and pieces that I can add to my vision of what our family and culture look like. This includes homeschooling, but it also goes deeper and more far-reaching than that.

Homeschooling is about home. And that is a personal quest I’m on – figuring out what home looks and feels like. I’ve had a very transient life, so home isn’t a place that I return to from my childhood. I’m still trying to figure out how to make a place feel like home, but I’m grateful for the little bits I’ve gleaned and incorporated into our family so far. 

Whether you’re a seasoned homeschooler, in your first few years, or a mom with young kids too early for school, there is something here for you! 

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Educating the Whole Hearted Child:

Lifegiving Home:

Home Education:

For the Children’s Sake:

The Well Trained Mind:

The Call of the Wild And Free:

You Are Your Child’s First Teacer:

Awaking Wonder:

The Brave Learner:

Teaching From Rest:

From the Episode

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