In this episode, I talk about where to start when you feel overwhelmed with getting your physical health where you want it to be. We all go through times where we have to have our physical bodies take a backseat and this is my process that I go through every time I have to start at the very beginning of building my strength and cardio health.

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Key Points from this Episode:

  • There are so many reasons (physical & mental) that take us back to square one with our fitness. That’s OK!
  • My big why for exercise is the endorphins. I feel better when I exercise.
  • You don’t need to do the whole workout that is designed! Start with 10 minutes, then go to 15 minutes and keep increasing until you make it to your desired length.
  • Start with gently building strength (Physique 57), then add cardio (Marcy Upright Exercise Bike).
  • I replaced my standard transportation with a cargo bike which is a GREAT cardio workout with the kids in the bucket.
  • Find what you love to do to and work moving more into your day. Mow the lawn, swim, longboard, dance in the kitchen. Do what works for you!
  • gain energy from exercising, but it feels like a big scary step at first.
  • It feels good to feel strong!
  • Focusing on getting my green smoothie in every day helps teach my body to crave fruits and vegetables again. It helps me get out of the survival-eating mode.
  • Whatever your body needs, feed it that!


Physique 57 DVDs – Barre Workout

Marcy Upright Exercise Bike – Such a quiet stationary bike!!

Madsen Cycles – Cargo Bike designed for carting kids around

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