This weeks chat with Greta Eskridge is one that will inspire you to return to the basics – things like reading aloud and going on adventures outside – which is so important when we can get caught up in all the excitement and to-dos of summer.

I’ve loved both of Greta’s books so this was also a chance to ask questions ranging from what has made the biggest impact in her family’s homeschooling journey to how to discuss pornography with our kids.

“The time that you are putting in every day doing the little things for your family are an investment that matters.” – Greta Eskridge

Some of the most powerful connection moments are simple things like reading aloud together each day. We might stress about putting together big things or having unique adventuring experiences (which are fun!) but it’s the every day basic tasks that create a strong foundation for your family and will have the biggest impact.

“Adventuring as a family and and fighting pornography are really about the same things: nurturing and defending family relationships.” – Greta Eskridge

Pornography might seem like a scary topic to discuss with your kids, but Greta breaks it down pretty simply: First, give kids a really basic definition of what pornography is (“Hey, there is this thing called pornography. It’s bad for your brain and for your heart. It’s pictures or movies of people who don’t have clothes on and they aren’t treating each other respectfully”).

Then let them know what to do if they see it (“If you see pornography I want you to turn it off or shut it and then come talk to me about it and I can help you”). Thank them for coming to tell you and emphasize that they aren’t in trouble and you are proud of them and you want to help them heal from what they’ve seen. For more details and what to do next, check out this weeks episode.

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Instagram: @maandpamodern

From the Episode

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